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Stress management activities for mental health stability


There are many important things in life and I think one of them is stress management skills.

These days I think it's very easy to get stressed from work, and also from your private life.

In this post, I would like to focus on three possible stress management activities that you can do easily.

My suggestions are...

  1. Walking in the nature
  2. Playing some sports/workout
  3. Meditation

Let's take a look at that activity.

Walking in the nature

I do this quite often because I found out that when I walk in the forest near my home, I feel very comfortable and somehow protected.

I am not a doctor or scientist so I cannot tell you the proven fact but personally every time I take a walk in the forest I feel like I am alive as one of the animals.

I assume this is because a long time ago human beings were spending most of their time surrounded by the nature so being in nature is the easiest way to get rid of stress.

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When you take a walk in the forest or in the park, I recommend you to go to the place that you know so that you don't have to take your smartphone with you.

As mentioned in earlier posts of mine, using a smartphone quite often releases a small amount of dopamine and it is not helping you to reduce your stress level, so if you want to take a walk for stress release and also for a digital detox, you can bring your friend or family or partner instead of your smartphone.

Playing some sports/workout

Being involved in sports activities or workout helps you a lot to decrease the level of stress.

As mentioned in the earlier post Practising sports can be a digital detox method, I now practise Kendo and every time I come back from the practice session, I feel very calm and stress-free.

According to the article Benefits of Sports for Mental Health, "About 75% to 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Sports help you manage stress. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. Studies have shown that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise each day can make people feel calmer. This calmness continues several hours after exercise."

So if you are considering starting to practise any type of sports or workout, then it will be very effective to reduce your stress level.

When I do not have the practice for Kendo, I usually work out at my place for basic muscle training.


The third method that I can share with you is meditation.

By this I mean the medication which is like ZEN; your eyes should be closed, do you want to inhale and exhale slowly, and with nothing in your mind.

Before coming to Sweden I used to do this before I sleep and when I woke up.

Now in Sweden, I go to the sauna every day, so I tried to combine sauna relaxation and meditation together.

I usually go to the sauna in the daytime during weekdays to avoid the possibility of having many people in the sauna, and sometimes I'm the only one who is in the sauna section and then, it is a perfect condition for doing the meditation in the sauna.

Going to the sauna is a good solution for people who wants to try social media detox as well.

An easy social media detox introduction for everyone

Do you want to try one of the methods?

The suggestions from me for the stress management are

  1. Walking in the nature
  2. Playing some sports/workout
  3. Meditation

As a freelance, stress management skill is very important because I don't have colleagues and I don't have teammates so I have to take care of myself more than the people working at the company.

If you are also a freelance or independent worker, this will also be something very useful.

Last but not least, Is it bad to sleep with your phone on your bed? will be something valuable to read out if you bring your smartphone into your bedroom.

Thanks for reading.

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