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An easy social media detox introduction for everyone


Get away from social media and go to nature!!!

I would like to talk about three different types of social media detox that everyone can try.

↓Watch on Youtube as well!↓

In the past, I have already posted an article about quitting social media in one month, so in this blog post, I would like to divide the steps into three levels so that everyone can start from easy mode.

Easy mode: Follow 4 weeks step

If you want to quit using social media for some reason, the first step you want to do is to decide which month you are going to quit social media.

For example, "I'm quitting next month!".

It’s difficult to quit the habit that you are used to in one second, so what you want to do is do you want to gradually decrease the time you use social media.

The method I have shared in the blog post "How to quit social media for one month with 4 easy steps" is to spend an entire month gradually increasing the time you use social media.

  1. Week 1: Know the reason why you have the accounts 
  2. Week 2: Delete the app from your phone & check once a day 
  3. Week 3: Check only once a week 
  4. Week 4: Delete your account & Use a simple texting app only

This also includes the time to think about the reason why you have to social media account, so this is not just the simple deleting the accounting process but it’s more about taking a time to think about the reason why you must have the account.

If you think you are heavily addicted to social media you would like to start from this step so that you can convince yourself to quit social media step-by-step.

Intermediate mode: Delete the social media app now.

To say it short, in the intermediate mode, you just jump into deleting the app from your phone but leaving the accounts alive.

  1. Week 1: Know the reason why you have the accounts 
  2. Week 2: Delete the app from your phone & check once a day 
  3. Week 3: Check only once a week 
  4. Week 4: Delete your account & Use a simple texting app only

Literally, we jump into the Week 2 solution immediately to cut the time that you spend on social media right now.

If you still hesitate to delete the app from your phone, then you would like to go check the screen time that you spend on social media for a week; I think it's a crazy amount of time.

Before deleting the app from your phone, you just want to make sure that you know all the login info,  otherwise, you would not be able to log in again.

Extreme mode: Delete all the social media accounts now

Delete them, and have a cup of coffee that tastes better than yesterday

This is a very practical and extreme decision; if you decide that you want to stay away from social media completely, then you just do it.

If you are at this stage, you will feel the upside of staying away from social media a lot.

I would like to show some examples below.

You can avoid decision fatigue because your chance to think about something will become less by stopping using social media.

The detail is written in the above blog post.

Of course, staying away from social media can be a good practice for a digital detox.

If you have not done any of the digital detox before, it will be difficult to try out the digital detox but decreasing the time on social media is of course a very good start of digital detox.


The reason why social media is so tiring is that you just keep scrolling through many posts and pictures that look fancy and fabulous, and you are just at your home.

Personally, I think the more you scroll through the posts, the sadder you become that you are not involved in those posts.

Although I am a digital nomad who uses a computer a lot and at the same time, I have spent so much time learning digital detox and also human detox.

Sometimes you need a break from all of this busy century to take a true rest.

I hope this post was something informative and useful to you.

Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next post.