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What is a long-tail SEO strategy and why it's so important?

I have published more than 500 articles in my life and I have realized one thing.

The only difference between the blog doing well and the blog doing not good is its strategy.

The strategy will decide everything so if you’re planning to monetize your blog website, you have to know your own strategy.

The long-tail SEO strategy is one of the most common and widely used strategies in the blogging industry.

If you haven’t heard a word about the long-tail SEO strategy, you should definitely check it out.

Before starting the main topic, please note that blogger is an amazing job that can give you huge advantages when it comes to looking for a job.

Please refer to the article "The 5 blogger skills you can write in your resume for your career building" to know more about blogger skills.

What is a long-tail SEO strategy?

Longtail strategy is the strategy that enables your blog post to get more pageview easily and more conversion easily.

In short, the long-tail keyword is a combination of keywords that is more specific and much longer than the other articles.

The reason why you should use the longtail keywords, more specific keywords in your title, is because visitors with the specific will to know something will come to your blog post and can solve the problems.

This problem-solving makes your blog post valuable and this can lead your blog post to rank higher in the Google search result.

This blog post is focusing on the keyword “ SEO, long-tail, strategy”, so you must be reading my article because you have searched by those three keywords I assume.

For example, if you are looking for candy for Christmas that you can buy online and you do not want to pay shipping fees, you want to Google” Candy, Christmas, online, free shipping”.

If you have published a blog post with those four keywords in its title, your post will be able to be clicked much more likely than the articles with the title using “ Candy, Christmas”.

Make your title end content more specific

Why a long-tail SEO strategy is essential?

According to WEBFX, more than 70% of traffic comes via long-tail keywords.

Based on my experience, there are five points why the longtail keyword is important and those are…

  1. Define the audience
  2. One message one article 
  3. Decrease competitors
  4. Conversion rate improvement
  5. Tree structure for better blog design

1. Define the audience

The first point is longtail keywords can define the audience.

As I have explained in an example case with Christmas candy earlier, each blog post has to define the audience.

If you’re publishing the blog post for fun, you don’t have to do this, but if you are seriously trying to grow your blog website as your side business or even main business, you have to know what kind of user problem you solve with every single article.

The users are always looking for a specific answer.

Hence making your blog title and the whole content based on a long-tail SEO strategy is very beneficial for both yourself and the users.

2. One message one article 

The second point is that long-tail keywords can make you focus on a single message in one article.

Throughout this article, what I am trying to explain is the idea of long-tail SEO strategy and the reason why it is so important.

If I suddenly start talking about how to brew coffee with leased equipment, you must be surprised and disappointed because the reason you came to this blog post is to know about long-tail SEO strategy.

If you are a beginner or intermediate blogger, you may forget the mainstream of each blog post easily because when I was a beginner, I had the tendency to write so many unrelated things in one article.

Never forget; one message one article

3. Decrease competitors

The third point is a long-tail keyword can decrease the competitors.

Let’s go back to the Christmas candy example.

If you focus on the longer keyboard combinations, the few competitors you’ll have to compete.

The tip to succeed in blogging is you have to know why a long-tail SEO strategy will decrease the competitors and at the same time contributes to growing the entire blog site.

Think about the Othello game.

You start from a very small area and try to flip one or two pieces over ( winning small keywords ) at the initial stage.

However, if you become dominant in a specific row ( specific middle keywords ), then you can expand your dominant area.

I suggest you start from and also stick to a long-tail SEO strategy so that your blog post will gradually gather the page view in a sustainable way.

In the article "How to monetize my blog on google blogger?", I have explained how to monetize your blog site on Google blogger, so please also refer to this article.

4. Conversion rate improvement

The fourth point is a long-tail keyword can improve the conversion rate.

Conversion rate means the percentage of the people who have purchased the products in your blog post; The target conversion can be different from site to site but the most common ones are product purchases, newsletter subscriptions, and inquiry submissions.

If your blog post is very specific leading the visitors to purchase your own product or the products you are affiliating, it is more likely that the visitors will make a conversion because the conversion will be the problem-solving for the visitors.

5. Tree structure for better blog design

The fifth point is longtail keywords can make it easier to build your whole blog site has something called tree structure.

The tree structure is very important for a better blog design.

In the blogging industry, the tree structure looks like the above picture.

And for better usability, your blog site has to follow the structure of trees structure.

The reason for this is that if someone wants to know more about the specific paragraph if there’s another article to explain more about that specific paragraph, The visitors are more likely to visit that blog post to know more about the contents.

You will get from building structure is simply more peaceful and more session from a single user.

Do you want to make your Lockside as user-friendly as possible, A tree structure is one of the ways to do it.

By the way, please do not forget to get your post indexed after you publish your blog post because if your post is not indexed, all the information provided in this post is worthless...

If you do not know what I am talking about, please definitely check out the below post to know about indexing.

How to Get Your Website Indexed with Google Search Console? 


  1. Define the audience
  2. One message one article 
  3. Decrease competitors
  4. Conversion rate improvement
  5. Tree structure for better blog design

If you want to know more about the basic technique notion of blogging for your future profession, please refer to the category "blogging" in my blog.

If you have any questions regarding this topic, I am always happy to receive your comment down below.

I hope this article has helped you to know more about the basic strategy of blogging.

Thanks for reading.