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Extreme digital detox challenge “Unplug the wifi before you sleep”

I am the person who does the digital detox pretty often.

The only reason why I do this is that in the past, I had a really bad habit of using digital devices; I was checking the social network until a second before I fall asleep.

As of now, I am a person who can control myself when using digital devices.

When I use it or when I have to use it, I focus on it but when I don’t have to use it I don’t use it at all, but this may sound a little difficult for some people.

With the category “digital detox”, I have been writing many articles about the concrete method that you can try to improve your digital detox or even to start it all based on my own experience.

In this article, I would like to share with you the most extreme digital detox challenge “Unplug the Wi-Fi before you sleep”.

I would like to break it down into three paragraphs and those are…

  • Circumstance is everything 
  • Force yourself to do the digital detox 
  • Unplug and forget 

Let's take a look at the details.


Circumstance is everything 

The first point I would like to share with you is that human being is very easy to adapt to circumstances.

If you look back the history, the human being has been spreading all around the globe but from place to place, skin tone, shape of the face, and height have been so different from place to place only to adapt to the place they spend most of the time.

Nowadays digital devices are surrounding us and I see digital devices as an environment that you want to adapt to.

To achieve your goal to do the digital detox in the long run, what you want to do is to make the environment which is comfortable to do the digital detox; in this case, unplugging the Wi-Fi before you sleep.

The reason why unplugging the Wi-Fi before your sleep is important is that when you wake up and if you don’t the active Wi-Fi in your room, how can you go Internet surfing with your laptop?

Also, if you unplug the wifi and can not access social media, it can help you to quit or decrease the time you spend on social media.

Please refer to the article "How to quit social media for one month with 4 easy steps" to know more about quitting social media.

Talking about my personal experience, a digital detox is very difficult for people who are used to spending hours and hours on devices.

Digital detox is a very simple act you do but this radical treatment requires us to have consistency and strong perseverance.

Force yourself to do the digital detox

Unplugging the Wi-Fi before you sleep is equal to the environment in that you have to do a digital detox.

The one and only important point are that you "have to" do the digital detox.

For example, if you have a very important business meeting tomorrow but your presentation hasn’t been finished yet, what would you do?

You will try so hard to complete the presentation at least by the business meeting commences right?

Digital devices are so addictive that if you want to continue the habit of digital detox you have to trick your mind and brain, and the way to trick your mind and brain is to make the digital detox habit an obligation and duty.

According to the website "United Brain Association", the studies seem to have found a strong correlation between the use of digital media and other disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Another article "The 6 most common types of technology addiction" shows that Digital addiction can lead to procrastination and avoidance of work.

By forcing yourself to do the digital detox as a mandatory habit, gradually your brain will recognize that digital detox is a habit that you have to do.

It’s the same brain function that you will never think about why you have to brush your teeth every single morning, so the easiest way to do something new and make it your new habit is to make the new habit a mandatory habit by tricking your brain.

Unplug and forget

In this blog, I only introduce the method that I have experienced and felt the result, so obviously, I have tried this unplugging method and it worked for me pretty well.

The benefit of unplugging the Wi-Fi before you sleep is that when you wake up you forgot that you have unplugged the Wi-Fi and when you naturally open your laptop then you finally realize that you have unplugged the Wi-Fi the previous night.

When you repeat this cycle three times, then on the fourth day you’ll feel like "oh even if I open the laptop I will not have the Wi-Fi till I plug in again so I’m not going to open the laptop the morning."

This is the ideal situation for the digital detox habit by unplugging the Wi-Fi; technically you’re not trying so hard to do the digital detox but you are successfully having this little hobbit every morning.

This challenge can easily lead to the digital detox challenge called "The 13 hours rule" invented by myself.

As brushing your teeth is not an extremely difficult habit, once you get used to unplugging the Wi-Fi method, it’s going to be your new habit and you will feel comfortable with it.

Just to mention, the time to plug in the Wi-Fi again can be decided by your lifestyle, and you definitely want to set the time to plug in the Wi-Fi again so that your motivation will be sustainable.

For example, if you work at home and your work starts at 9 o’clock, you can plug in the Wi-Fi again at 8:45 or something; in this case, from the time you wake up to 8:45, you are successfully doing a digital detox. 


To sum up this article the points you want to remember are

  • Unplug wifi before you sleep
  • Make this habit a mandatory habit
  • Set the time to plug wifi on the following morning 

Thanks for reading and if you are interested in knowing more about a digital detox habit or tips, please refer to the category "digital detox".