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How to build your own blog from scratch? Writing ideas with SEO tips


After setting up blogging tools, you may sit down and think about "What will be my first blog post the title?"

Since I have already published more than 500 posts in my life, I deeply understand that creating content for a long time is the most difficult part of blogging.

In addition to that, as I am Japanese and English is not my native language, I have that handicap to overcome but I keep posting mostly every day. 

So in this article for beginners, I would like to share the idea of how to construct your blog site from scratch in terms of writing ideas.

This blog post is for you after finish setting up all the tools and accounts.

If you haven’t even set up accounts for blogging, please read the below article because unfortunately blogging is not for everyone

10 Reasons Blogging Might Not Be For You

In my opinion, It’s one of the most easiest things to start but also one of the easiest things to quit.

Without further ado, let’s dive into it.


The first important point for your idea brainstorming is concept decision.

If you look at my global menu at the top or the side menu at the right top of my site, you may realise that I focus on several topics; blogging, coffee, travelling, and minimalism.

Concept decision is very important because if you want to keep publishing blog posts as your profession, it is better to focus on several topics.

Blogging as your profession means that you have to be either very informative or have your unique concept of blogging.

The tip for the concept decision is that you should focus on something you are really good at.

In my case, The reason why I took the topic is as below

  • Coffee / I have been brewing coffee by myself for 12 years and I used it in my own coffee business
  • Minimalism / I am a minimalist who owns less than 50 possessions 
  • Travelling / I simply travel a lot and I love it
  • Blogging / obviously is my profession for more than five years.

The first thing you can do is to look at yourself and ask yourself “What I am good at?

If you are good at anything, including profession and hobby, you can start writing blog posts within that category.

It doesn’t have to be several topics, so if you are a carpenter maybe you want to start a DIY-related blog site, or if you are a cook, you can start your blog site with gastronomy and cooking tips topics.

To sum up, realising your strength and making it into your blog topic is very essential for successful blogging because if you write what you like, you’ll never get tired of thinking about the topic to write.

Ideas by  SEO tools

The second tip for writing ideas is to utilise SEO tools.

They are many free SEO tools that you can utilise to brainstorm The blog topic, so it’s simply beneficial for you to utilise these tools to get more ideas for your future post.

Here are some links that you can use for your keyword selection.

Also, Google Search Console is one of the most useful tools for topic brainstorming.

Since Google Search Console will collect the data of your site and tells you from what kind of keyword the users are coming to your website.

This is the screenshot of my Google Search Console dashboard.

And if you look at the keyword combination, you see a lot of digital detox.

This means that in my case, posting the blog article relating to the digital detox is very logical because if I keep writing blog posts related to digital beatbox, it is more likely that more users will visit my website. 

After all, there are many of the articles of mine on the Internet with the word digital detox included in the title, which completely makes sense.

Google Search Console is useful in another way which is to fix your blog concept.

For example, you are good at DIY and started the blog with a DIY topic.

As you keep publishing the blog post, you may realise that DIY is a kind of little wide concept because if you look at the Google Search Console, it may tell you that most of the users came to your website with keyword including "shelf".

So, in this case, you have to realise that shelf-related content is very user-friendly to publish because if you think DIY is the topic that you want to publish and the actual topic that users want to know is a shelf, there is a slight mismatch between demand and supply.

I check the Google Search Console every day to know if I’m on the right path.

Keep writing with everything you have

The third point for the idea brainstorming is that you want to make blogging as your habit and keep publishing every day.

If you have a full-time job, it’s going to be very difficult to keep writing a blog post every day but in that case, "2 posts every weekend" is also great.

The point here is that you should decide on the sustainable cycle, and you want to follow that cycle.

If you think you cannot continue blogging anymore because you are very tired, please read through the below blog post.

When it comes to continuing the blog as your profession, you are the enemy of yourself.

If you think you cannot continue, you cannot continue.

In the other articles I have mentioned that I have already tried writing the blogs, but I still like it so I don’t want to see anyone failing from the challenge to grow the blog website as their profession.

So if you think you’re having a difficult time please visit my website and remember I’m with you.

It’s of course hard for me to continue publishing a blog every single day, well I travel a lot so flight or extreme fatigue will be the exception, but as much as I can I try to publish a blog post every single day.

Thanks for reading and here are some links for more practical knowledge.