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How to write blog articles fast and accurately: Use voice input and Grammarly

In the previous article, I talked about "How to become a blogger and make money in 3 steps in 2023", and this time I would like to focus on the writing skills which all bloggers need to know.

Including contract-based work, I have published more than 500 blog articles in my life.

Now it’s time to share the fastest and the most accurate way of writing blog articles.


How to write blog articles fast?

First of all, I would like to introduce the fastest way that I know for writing blog articles and that is to use the voice input function.

When I write a blog article I use both desktop computers and iPad; iPad for voice input and desktop computers for designing space and inserting HTML code.

I don’t think the majority of bloggers use voice input when writing blog articles, but voice input is obviously much faster than typing.

To know the significant difference between typing and voice input, you want to try to measure the time of both typing 100 words and 100 words by voice input.

Since I am used to speaking the blogs, not writing the blogs, when I write the blog articles by typing I feel like talking to a baby; in my case voice input is five times faster than typing.

Here are some pictures of how I use the voice input function to write blogs.

 This is the screenshot from writing the previous article.

Grammarly is installed on the iPad

The reason why I am using the desktop computer, as well as the iPad, is because sometimes the voice input does not recognize your full sentence so you want to fix the spelling or the sentences after the voice input process.

Some people type really fast so this method might not fit those people who type fast but for the majority of the people, I think voice input is much much much easier than you imagine.

How to write blog articles accurately?

The second tip that I would like to show you is how to write blog articles accurately; by accurately I mean grammatical correctness.

Because my native language is not English, I am Japanese by the way, and I’m always concerned about the grammatical correctness of my English writing.

When you write blog articles, you can not forget that there will be readers out there coming to your website to read your blog articles.

Especially if you’re running the blog site for monetization purposes, you have to be trusted by the readers.

Hence, even if you are a native English speaker, you want to install Grammarly on your computer or iPad to make it easier to write grammatically correct sentences.

Fixing the grammar with Grammarly 

I have installed Grammarly on both my computer and iPad, so after writing blog articles with the help of Grammarly I check all of the grammatical mistakes and fix them.

Don’t underestimate the power of Grammarly because I assume you are not 100% sure that you can write grammatically correct sentences right?

Here’s the link for Grammarly, and you can use it for free.

If you are not a blogger and reading this article, you also want to download Grammarly because it will help you to be grammatically correct when writing business emails or writing papers for the university.

Time management is important for blog writing

The third tip I would like to introduce to you is to set a time limit for writing blogs.

In my case, I always measure the time that I spend on writing the blogs because I want to know how efficient I am when writing blog articles.

Your physical energy and brain energy are limited so you want to be efficient and smart when using your energy.

As I have mentioned in the different articles, writing a blog is physically and psychologically very hard work, so in addition to your full-time job, you don’t want to spend six or seven hours writing blog articles.

I assume that many of the readers of this article are writing blog articles for monetization, and if you want to become a professional independent blogger you have to be very efficient because besides writing the blogs, there are so many things to do to grow your blog website; researches on Google analytics, Google search console and Google keyboard planner or relating your blog articles with the social network accounts and so on...

To avoid getting very tired from writing blog articles, time management is very important.

For example, if you find yourself spending two hours writing one article, your target will be less than two hours, and if you think you can write faster by using voice input or other helpful tools, you can gradually lower the target time.

I try to finish writing one blog article within an hour; 45 minutes for voice input, unusually 15 to 20 minutes for grammatical amendment.

If you want to become a professional independent blogger, everything you do has to be sustainable, or otherwise, in 10 years you’ll get tired of doing this.

Sustainable is the keyword.

By the way, please do not forget to get your post indexed after you publish your blog post.

If you do not know what I am talking about, please definitely check out the below post to know about indexing.

How to Get Your Website Indexed with Google Search Console? 

To sum up this article, three things to pay attention to writing blog articles faster and more accurately are…

  • Using voice input for the writing speed improvement
  • Using Grammarly for the grammatical correctness
  • Time management for the sustainability

Thanks for reading and I hope you will improve your writing skills and get more page views than yesterday.