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The 10 Tips to write better blog posts in 2023


As I am a professional independent blogger and WEB marketer for more than five years, I would like to share with you some tips to write better blog posts.

Especially if you are a beginner and you want to monetize your blog website for a long time, never forget the tips that I mention in this article.

Trust me because I have published more than 500 articles in my career, and I saw many blog posts doing extremely great and extremely bad.

The 10 Tips to write better blog posts in 2023

  1. Target the reader group 
  2. Focus on User-oriented content 
  3. Make it informative
  4. Always research SEO keywords 
  5. Rewrite posts if needed 
  6. Use Bulleted lists 
  7. Create vertical space between lines
  8. Check grammar 
  9. Write something you are professional about
  10. Ask your mom if she understood or not 

Even if you are not a blogger, don’t stop reading this article because the information written in this article is also beneficial for your university essay or sales writing.

If you want to know how to start a blog and make money with it, please refer to the article How to Become a Blogger and make money in 3 Steps in 2023.

1. Target reader group 

Always target the reader group; also known as a persona.

For example, this specific article is targeting people who want to know how to write better blog posts.

Knowing the persona of the article or the entire blog website is very important to provide the information that the reader really wants to know.

Never try to sell milk to a vegan person, but sell a soy product.

2. Focus on User-oriented content 

User-oriented content is very important.

The reader who comes to your blog article and is looking for specific information.

If you cannot meet the criteria that the user is expecting, the reader will not think that your blog post was not valuable enough to them.

The reason why your blog site grows is that The readers think your blog site is valuable and useful to them by finding the answer that they were looking for.

Never forget your blog post is read by somebody. It’s not your diary.

3. Make it informative

Again, making blog posts informative is essential.

If you want to monetize your blog website, you will not write what you want to write but what readers want to read.

Readers are always looking for a specific and simple answer so if you cannot propose a concrete solution in your blog post, it is very unlikely that your blog website will grow.

If you want to write what you want to write, you can go to a stationery shop and buy a diary.

A professional blog is not a diary. It's plenty of accumulated information. 

4. Make it informative 

Never ever write your diary on your blog if you want to monetize your blog.

Your mission is to write informative information on your blog, and the category of your entire blog is very much important as well as each blog post.

For example, the category of my blog is coffee, travelling, and minimalism.

If you look up the right top bar, it will show you some subcategories.

The only reason that I have chosen the category coffee, travelling, and minimalism is because those are the theme that I can write informative posts on; I have owned the coffee business before, I have been to many countries, and I am a true minimalist.

Stick to your profession or passion

5. Always research SEO keywords

To know what people want to know on the Internet, researching SEO keywords Will be very beneficial.

There are some free tools that you can use to know the combination of keywords the readers are specifically looking for, so never forget to plan your blog post strategy starting with keywords.

Wordstream is something you can use for free to search for SEO keywords.

No SEO keywords, no income.

Wordstream is something you can use for free to search for SEO keywords.

6. Rewrite posts if needed

Rewriting is sometimes very useful.

The actual page view does not reach your expectation means your blog post is missing something; it may be the volume of the content, it may be the wrong keyword-content combination, or it may not be easy to read the post.

What's amazing about blogging is that you can fix posts at any time.

If you think you will need to rewrite your published posts, never hesitate to upgrade the content.

7. Use a bulleted list

The bulleted list and the bulleted number list are so useful to sharpen the readability.

When you write an introduction, you can use a bulleted list like

  • Body 1
  • Body 2 
  • Body 3

This looks sharp and well-organized isn't it?

The bulleted list will make the visibility clearer than you imagine.

8. Create vertical space between lines

Creating vertical spaces between the lines is very important for readability.

For example, if your blog post is filled with no vertical spaces like this paragraph, it is very difficult to read because when people read the articles, the brain needs to know where is the end of the sentence. If you do not consciously pay attention to the vertical spaces between the lines, this paragraph is exactly how your blog posts look like. I have done many consultations on many websites and this is the most dangerous mistake that most of the websites are doing.

Always create vertical spaces between the lines.

9. Check grammar 

Even if you are a native English speaker, always check the grammar mistakes when you write professional blog posts.

I am Japanese and since English is not my native language, service like Grammarly is very helpful to me.

Unless you have a degree in English grammar or English literature, always use Grammarly.

By the way, How to write blog articles fast and accurately: Using voice input and Grammarly will be something interesting to read if you want to know how to write your blog posts faster than now.

You never know if your grammar is always right or not.

9. Write something you are professional about

If you want to monetize your blog, the contents you publish have to be something very informative.


When you start a blog website for monetization purposes, you have to choose the category in which you are very confident and ideally professional.

As mentioned earlier, all of the categories that I post in this blog article are related to my profession and strong passion.

Before starting a blog website, always consider the professional level of your blog site.

Which do you think is more valuable and attractive a blog website, 

the medical journal, or your diary?

10. Ask your mom if she understood or not 

If your mom or dad cannot understand what you’re writing in your post, then many of the readers will not understand what you’re writing.

The important point of a professional blog post is not to make the content difficult.

You may be writing difficult content, but you always want to make the readers understand the content easily even though the content itself is difficult.

Always use simple and easy phrases. 

You are writing a blog post, not an academic thesis.


The 10 tips to write better blog posts in 2023 are...

  1. Target the reader group 
  2. Focus on User-oriented content 
  3. Make it informative
  4. Always research SEO keywords 
  5. Rewrite posts if needed 
  6. Use Bulleted lists 
  7. Create vertical space between lines
  8. Check grammar 
  9. Write something you are professional about
  10. Ask your mom if she understood or not 

If you are a beginner and don’t know how to write a blog post, please never forget the 10 tips that I have mentioned in this article.

I hope your blog writing skills will become better day by day.

If you want to know the concrete step to "build" a blog site, please refer to the article "How to start your own blog with no money in 3 steps?"

Thanks for reading.