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Packing tips while traveling that all minimalists should follow


Travelling is very comfortable when your belongings are so minimum but with the maximum function.

In this article, I would like to share packing tips that you can use for travelling.

If you are thinking you want to improve your packing skills for travelling, this one is for you.

Packing tips while travelling that all minimalists should do

In this article, I would like to share two patterns of traveling packing tips; hygiene products and coffee products.

Before talking about how to pack, let's talk about the package that you should have for a great packing experience.

The ones that I am using right now are both from the Japanese households goods brand "Mujirushi-Ryohin" (無印良品).

They sell their products on Amazon, so I bought them for packing improvement.

(Product Amazon link here. )

The ultimate rule of travel packing 

"One category One Bag" is the ultimate rule that minimalist travelers should remember all the time.

This means that you want to pack everything in one bag if the items are the in the same category.

The benefit of following this rule is that when you arrive at the hotel and unpack, you can reach what you want very easily.

For instance, if I want to brush my teeth, I can dig up the toothpaste and toothbrush in 3 seconds.

This will save you precious time during your trip and will reduce the stress of packing and unpacking.

Now, let's start with hygiene products and see how I pack things for traveling.

If you want to know more about how to pack your entire suitcase, "Packing tips while traveling that all minimalists should follow: Part 2 - Smart suitcase packing tips" will be something interesting to read out. 

Packing tips for hygiene products

  1. Toothpaste
  2. Toothbrush
  3. Dental Floss
  4. Medicine for my skin ( I have atopic skin )
  5. Moisturizer 
  6. Medical thermometer
  7. Pulse oximeter

The reason why I bring around the toothbrush is that I am picky when it comes to brushing tooth.

It has to be the one that I always use and the toothpaste.

One thing that people get surprised by about my belongings is the medical thermometer.

I have never used it, but this helps in case of an emergency right?

Again, what you pack in the hygiene bag differs much from person to person but what is important here is that you pack hygiene products in one bag.

Ultimate rule: One cagtegory One bag

Packing tips for coffee products

The items that I bring all the time are...

  1. Aeropress 
  2. Aeropress paper filter 
  3. Polex hand grinder
  4. Ecoffee cup 
  5. Coffee Drip packs from random coffee shops

I have been brewing coffee by myself for more than 10 years and the recent years, I only use Aeropress.

I have explained the reason why Aeropress is a great coffee brew method for both minimalists and travelers in the article Aeropress Go is the best coffee maker ever for the minimalist lifestyle.

It's very light, durable, and washable.

Also, for an environmental reason, I always bring my coffee cup with me.

Please refer to the article The minimalist item for home: bamboo reusable "ecoffee cup" is for all coffee lovers to know more about the wonderful reusable eco-friendly coffee cup "Ecoffee Cup"

So, how do I pack these multiple coffee products in a small bag?

Let's take a look at it with the pictures.

First, put the hand grinder into the hole of the Aeropress.

Then, cover with the coffee cup and now it is this small !!!

Put all the equipment into the coffee category bag.

I can even put the 8g scale spoon inside.

I always bring around the pre-made coffee pack just in case I do not have time to brew or I stay on the train/plane for a long time.

There is a place to put the paper filter so I won't make it messy before I use it.

Minimize your belongings while traveling

Minimizing your belongings is very important for your traveling especially if you are a minimalist traveler like me.

Please utilize what you have learned from this article and hope your next journey will be comfortable.

If you want to know more about packing, "Packing tips while traveling that all minimalists should follow: Part 2 - Smart suitcase packing tips" will be something interesting to read out.