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Digital detox method "going to the park with no device" is so easy to do

How many hours do you use your smartphone every day?

How often do you spend your time without digital devices?

When was the last time you enjoyed nature?

In this article, I would like to introduce the simplest digital detox method of all time.

If you are sick of using digital devices, this article will help you very much.

Healthy morning routine

I would like to ask you one question ”Do you have a morning routine that includes the digital detox?"

Nowadays social media or Internet contents are so developed, and it is very difficult to quit the use of digital devices completely.

So in this article, I would like to introduce a very simple and sustainable method for digital detox which everyone can try today.

As written in the article Minimalist lifestyle tips "digital detox for well-being is so important to 21st-century people", a digital detox can help you to relax more.

According to the data from the National Library of Medicine, overuse of digital devices also hurts ocular health.

I do feel the exhaustion of my eyes sometimes so in my case, digital detox also contributes to resting my eyes as well.

Why going to the park with no device is valuable?

Why going to the park every single morning without digital devices is so valuable?

I see the displays or big screens attached to the building wall or in front of the lift, so trying a digital detox in the city area is almost impossible these days.

However, if you go to a park, it is kind of difficult to see digital devices or screens right?

So I think a park is a very good place to do the digital detox.

Also, by trying a digital detox routine, I have found 5 concrete steps of digital detox that anyone can try.

Please refer to the article Digital detox activities: 5 examples and how to start them to know more about the concrete steps and examples of activities of digital detox. 

A park is usually filled with trees and flowers, so enjoying these real nature can be very helpful to continue the digital detox habit.

If you are busy enough to spend your days working and taking care of your family, I think it is difficult to secure the time constantly to appreciate nature.

Going to the park is very useful for digital detox and also for securing the time to appreciate nature.

In addition to that, if you are living with your family or your partner, going to a park with those people will help you to communicate more with them without looking at the screens.

Amazing right?

So this digital detox morning routine can help you to improve the human relationship around you.

How I do the morning digital detox

Finally, I would like to introduce my case of how I do the digital detox every single morning.

Basically, there is a rule for me that I should not start using digital devices before finishing up my morning coffee.

Usually, I wake up around 8:00 or 9:00 and I will take about 30 minutes to prepare the coffee.

If the weather is nice, I always bring my coffee with me and go to the nearest park from my place.

When you go to the park to do the digital detox, you should never bring any digital devices.

The only exception here is the watch but if your watch is a smartwatch do not bring it because you are going to do a digital detox.

If the park close to your place has a clock, then going to the park without your smartwatch shouldn't be a problem.

The method that I have introduced here in this article is so simple that everyone can try from today.

If you are the one who is struggling to put away your smartphones or computers, please start with this easiest method.

If you get used to this simple method you can go for more for the intermediate digital detox habit.