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The best items for digital nomads: must-have 10 minimalism items

If you are a freelance remote worker, you will be able to spend your time in many countries/areas where you want to be.

As I have been spending my time as a freelance web marketer and a serious minimalist at the same time, I would like to introduce the 10 best items that you should have as a digital nomad.

The 10 items that I mention in this article are the only items that I feel I must have, so working remotely without an office, you may need fewer items than now.

The 10 best items for the digital nomads

  1. Credit Card 
  2. MacBook Air
  3. iPad
  4. Global Electric Converter
  5. Kindle
  6. Headphone
  7. Eyemask
  8. Hygiene products bag 
  9. Waterproof outfits
  10. Reusable Coffee Cup

Let's take a look at each item.

Credit Card

Yes, this is pretty much a basic item that you bring around.

I recommend having one VISA and one MASTERCARD; sometimes you can not use an American Express credit card depending on city to city, so VISA and MASTERCARD are the perfect combinations.  

MacBook Air

Me writing the articles at the cafe in Japan.

MacBook Air is the best laptop for people who work anywhere.

It is very light and usually, the battery lasts almost a day so if you are working and traveling at the same time, I strongly recommend having a MacBook Air.

Another reason that I love to use the devices from Apple is the voice input quality.

Most of the time, I write blog articles by using voice input, and I have been able to reduce so much time writing the articles because speaking is much faster than writing.

Now you know the answer if you are looking for a new laptop.

MacBook Air product link here.


I have an iPad instead of my phone because I broke my phone and wanted to try out life without my phone.

Some stories happen, the details are written in this article, and I bought an iPad for the sake of my comfortable life.

The articles about life without my phone are here.

If you are interested in what it feels like to spend life without a phone, it will be interesting to read them.

iPad product link here.

Global Electric Converter

The electric converter is something that you must have because country to country, the power supply voltage is different.

It is such a waste of money if you keep buying the local electric converter and it is also not good for the environment

As mine, this is a good idea to have an electric converter which you can charge many devices at the same time.


Looking nice with a cup of coffee

The Amazon Kindle is such a great invention of the century I think.

It's the latest library you can bring around.

Sometimes you want to be away from the Internet and busy social media updates, and Amazon Kindle will help you to do that.

What I usually do is that when I want to have a non-digital moment, I grab the Amazon Kindle and a cup of coffee and go to the park.

Although the kindle is one digital device, it is simply a library unless you connect to the Wifi.

For your mental health,  Amazon Kindle is a great item to spend time with

Kindle product link here.


The one with the long battery lasting is ideal.

Mine is BOSE Wireless headphone and it lasts 17 hours.

If you keep moving around, you may not have the time/place to charge your devices, so long-lasting devices are essential to bring with you.

BOSE Headphone product link here.


If you are freelancing and working with your computer for a long time, you will feel the exhaustion in your eyes.

Even when I'm at home, I love to use the eye mask to rest my eyes so that I can focus on my work when I have to focus.

Also, it will be very useful if you fly a lot, or ride on a train a lot for a long time.

This one would be something that you want to have definitely.

Hygiene products bag 

Working and travelling at the same time requires you to bring the hygiene products that you like.

If you're not picky about hygiene products, you'll be fine but not me.

I am very picky about toothpaste and moisturizing lotion so as light as possible I always bring around hygiene products that can make me feel comfortable.

Although you can put many hygiene products into the bag, you are still minimum.

Please refer to the article "Packing tips while traveling that all minimalists should follow" to know more about how to pack small things into one small bag.

This tip is really useful.

Waterproof outfits

Most of the items I own are waterproof, from the watch to the shoes.

You travel and work at the same time, then you have to be prepared for the unexpected with a change.

Tonight, you may be staying at a place where the weather is unfamiliar to you.

You may encounter sudden heavy rain on your way to the hotel, or in the worst case scenario the right middle of the sightseeing.

My advice is that every time you go out, you want to wear waterproof shoes at least.

Reusable Coffee Cup

As shared in the blog article "Minimalist item for home: bamboo reusable "ecoffee cup" is for all coffee lovers", bringing reusable cups is both financially beneficial and eco-friendly.

Some coffee shops will give you a discount for using your own coffee cup.

Amazon link here.


  1. Credit Card  
  2. MacBook Air
  3. iPad
  4. Global Electric Converter
  5. Kindle
  6. Headphone
  7. Eyemask
  8. Hygiene products bag 
  9. Waterproof outfits
  10. Reusable Coffee Cup 

Those are the items that you want to bring around if you are a digital nomad traveling and working at the same time.

I hope this article will help you to make your nomad life comfortable.