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Reasons why minimalism gives you a simple life

These days we see a lot of distractions; we have something that we haven't had for a long time such as digital devices, notifications, etc...

Making your life very simple is becoming more difficult as technology develops so quickly and drastically.

Let's think about going back to the original point and finding out how to make your life simple.

I would like to share why becoming a minimalist has changed my life in a good direction.

Why Minimalism makes your life simple?

There are many answers or solutions to make your life simple as you want, but in this article, I would like to focus on minimalism to be the solution to make your life better and simple.

For those who haven't read my other articles related to minimalism, the articles below will help you to understand what minimalism is and how minimalists avoid unnecessary expenses.

The article Minimalism Concept and Goal; What is Minimalism and how to set your goal? will help you to understand how to set the goals of your minimalism and to understand the whole concept of minimalism.

The article 3 reasons why minimalism can save you a lot of money -my story-  will help you to understand your current situation of expenses and how to reduce the waste that you are spending probably on the regular basis.

Here are the reasons why minimalism can make your life simple.

  1. Minimalism is all about focusing 
  2. Minimalism can teach us how to fill our lives with what we need

1. Minimalism is all about focusing 

Being a serious minimalist for more than five years, I feel that the whole concept of minimalism is all about focusing.

Now, please ask yourself this question; 

  • Are you focusing on something that you really want to focus on? 
  • Are you happy with your life?

If the answer to either of the question is "no", I suggest you think about understanding the concept of minimalism.

As deeply explained in the article mentioned above, minimalism is "knowing what you truly need; not just throwing things away and making your room empty."

I think you are logical enough to understand that knowing what you truly need also means knowing what you don't need.

2. Minimalism can teach us how to fill our lives with what we need

If you have done step one "throwing away what you don't need", now you want to think about the ideal lifestyle that you want to spend.

My ideal lifestyle is "Freelancing completely remotely and living in a foreign country that I really love".

As the keywords here are below,

  • Freelancing 
  • Remote
  • Foreign country

I need to focus on making decisions that in the future lead me to this ideal lifestyle.

Don't sacrifice yourself for even a single moment of your life because you don't want to regret your decision when you look back on your life right?

How can I become a minimalist?

So, how can I become a minimalist anyway?

The process to become a minimalist depends on each person so I would like to share my case on how I become a minimalist.

Three steps that I have done in my life were...

  1. I tried to figure out what I need and what I don't need
  2. Through away or donate things I don't need TODAY
  3. Keep 1 and 2 every week

Let's take a look at each step.

I tried to figure out what I need and what I don't need 

I have been talking about this way of thinking in my other articles so I'm not going to go into detail in this paragraph.

If you have read my other articles, you definitely know that it is very important to make a line between something you don't need and something you need.

Through away or donate things I don't need TODAY 

When you know something you don't need in your life, you can simply throw it away but this is the most difficult part for many people.

Human beings basically have this idea that "we don't want to lose something we have right now".

So if you're trying to throw away something, your brain will stop you from doing that...

This is exactly what happened to me when I tried to say goodbye to the objects which have been covering all over my room for a decade.

You need to hack your brain and with a strong mindset, you want to do what you have to do.

If you are having difficulty throwing it away, donating will be the alternative.

It is always good to give something to people in need.

After you throw something you don't need away, you have plenty of physical and psychological room to focus on what you need.

Keep 1 and 2 every week

The third step is to keep step1 2 every week.

It is very difficult to judge on what you need and what you don't need in one day so you want to go genre by genre.

For instance, "today I will do the clothes, and next weekend I'll do the books."

As dividing the burden split into a weekly basis, you wouldn't feel it is tough work.

Now, I own less than 50 objects with me and I am really satisfied with my current life.

In the article "Why I can't clean my house? Part 1: Minimalist with less 50 possessions teaches the ultimate method", I have explained more in detail how to clean and organize your house/room so if you are struggling with cleaning your own place, please read this article to move forward; you can do it.

The only trouser that I have with me; Levi's classic 501

Hope this article will help you to enrich your life.

If you are spending a difficult time re-organizing your stuff, please comment down below so that I can help you move forward.