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3 reasons why minimalism can save you a lot of money -my story-


I have been writing articles about travel and coffee on this blog.

If you read this article, you will find out why being a minimalist is so beneficial to you, especially in terms of the financial aspects.

Let's jump into it.

I am a true Minimalist

Me at the coffee shop

Believe it or not, my possession is less than 50 all the time.

This may be the extreme case because I'm single and I travel a lot so the situation can be a little bit different from yours, but there is something I can share with you.

As well as traveling and coffee, I cannot stop talking about minimalism; to my family and some of my best friends, I always talk about why minimalism can change one's life very easily and drastically.

The basic and most important reason why I became a minimalist is that being a minimalist makes my traveling very easy.

More reasons why I became a true minimalist are written on my profile page so if you want to know my full story, please read my profile page as well.

Regarding the word "minimalist", the meaning for me is that people who know what they need and what they don't need so that they are focusing on something they really want to focus on.

This definition can defer person-to-person, so this is just my definition of the word "minimalist".

3 reasons why Minimalism can save you money

From here, I will talk about why minimalism can easily save you a lot of money by breaking it down into 3 points I have experienced in my own life.

Three reasons why minimalists are saving their money are because...

  • You will know what you don't need
  • You will not lose your possession anymore
  • You will not buy extra things anymore


You will know what you don't need

The first reason I save their money a lot is that being a minimalist, you know what you need and what you don't need.

This sounds very easy to achieve but right now while reading this article you can ask yourself what are the things that you need and what are the things that you really don't need?

If you can quickly answer this question, you are already a minimalist.

Life is very short, so you want to focus on what is really important for you and to know what is important for you, the first thing you need to do is to know what you don't need.

Related Article

Minimalist lifestyle tips: How to manage impulsive shopping emotions?

Many people try to start by knowing what they really need but it's the opposite way.

If you start thinking "oh this is important" or "this can be important", this will never end.

The true minimalists know what they really need and what they really don't need because they started by erasing things that they did not need; not looking at the things they needed.

If this paragraph blows your mind, you should start thinking about what you don't need first.

You will not buy extra things anymore

The second reason why minimalism can save you a lot of money is if you become a minimalist, you will feel that you are not going to buy extra things very often.

The reason for this is that when you try to become a minimalist, you will definitely throw away something you don't need from now on for your future life.

By throwing away something you don't need, you will notice that you will not buy the same genre of the product which you have just thrown away.

To sum up, in the previous paragraph and this paragraph, knowing what you don't need leads you to prevent extra shopping, and not doing the extra shopping obviously saves you money.

Simple and easy formula right?

You will not lose your possession anymore

Losing your own things hurts you... I know it. 

If you own a huge amount of objects such as clothes, shoes, and books, you can't really detect what you have lost if you lose something.

Let's think about this.

Given that I go to your room right now and pick up one object and hide it, can you tell me what I have hidden?

If you do the same thing to me I can tell you what you have picked up very easily because I know all the possession that I have even where it is located in my room.

After becoming minimalist, I rarely search for objects in my room.

The coffee cup is always on the shelf and I know which part of the shelf the coffee cup exists because I only have one coffee cup.

If I don't see the coffee cup on myself, that's what you have picked up.

Again not losing what you have will lead you not to buy the same genre of product.

Not buying the same product of course makes you not spend extra money so-called "waste".

If you are surrounded by too many things, the article "Why I can't clean my house? Part 1: Minimalist with less 50 possessions teaches the ultimate method" will help you.

Summary & Suggestion

The summary of this article is three reasons why minimalists can save a lot of money are...

  • Knowing what you don't need
  • Not losing your possession anymore
  • Not buying extra things anymore

Now you know it is not that difficult to achieve the above three points.

If you want to know the concrete procedure, please refer to the article Minimalism Concepts and Goals; What is Minimalism and how to set your goal?