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How to ask for help in Japanese 2022 -VERY USEFUL DURING TRIP

 Dear travellers visiting Japan.


The fact is not so many people speak English even in Tokyo or Osaka.

Here is the quick Japanese-English lists you can utilize immediately when you need; How to ask for help in Japanese.

As a native Japanese speaker, I have seen so many tourists in Tokyo/Osaka struggling to find something they need even if they are asking the locals.

Asking locals would be the most effective and accurate way to reach certain information but here in Japan, Japanese is the most reliable language to know...

When I was staying in Mongolia for a couple of months as my business occasion, I hardly could communicate with locals since they do not speak English much.

I deeply sympathize with how hard it is to communicate without English with the locals.

I tried to translate not directly but in a way that makes sense to Japanese people, so if you put some of the sentences to the translation app, it may show a completely different output; but don't worry. I AM JAPANESE.

Also, the reason why I have written in Japanese is that you can show it to the locals so that they will understand you 100%.

By the way,  I do not mind you taking a screenshot of this article at all, so just in case you are without the Internet, I strongly suggest you take screenshots of this article.

Here we go!!! Straight to the list!!!

Basic Greetings in Japanese 

EN: Hi.

JP: Konnichiwa (こんにちは)

EN: Thank you.

JP: Arigato (ありがとう)

EN: Excuse me.

JP: Sumima sen (すみません)

EN: I am in trouble.

JP: Komatte Imasu (困っています)

Asking for Directions in Japanese

EN: I am lost.

JP: Michi ni mayotta (道に迷いました)

EN: I want to go back to my hotel. The hotel's name is -.

JP: Hotel ni modoritai, namae wa-.(ホテルに戻りたいです。ホテルの名前は -)

EN: I'm looking for -.

JP: - wa doko desu ka?(-はどこですか?)

EN: I'm looking for a sushi dinner.

JP: Sushi wo tabetai.(寿司屋さんはどこですか?)

     ↑replace with any food that you want to eat.

EN: I want to head to Tokyo Station.

JP: Tokyo eki ni iki tai.(東京駅に行きたい)

EN: I want to go to the airport.

JP: Kuuko ni ik itai.(空港に行きたい)

EN: What's the best restaurant around here?

JP: Chikaku de, osusume no restaurant, arimasu ka?(近くでおすすめのレストランはありますか?)

EN: Are there any coffee shops around here?

JP: Coffee shop, ari masu ka?(近くにコーヒー屋さんはありますか?)

Asking for Help in Japanese

EN: Help me.

JP: Tasukete. (助けて)

EN: It's an emergency, help me. 

JP: Yabai kara tasukete (やばいから助けて。緊急です。)

EN: Where is the hospital?

JP: Byo-in wa doko desu ka?(病院はどこですか?)

EN: I have a stomach ache.

JP: Onaka itai(お腹が痛いです)

EN: Call the police!!!

JP: Kesatsu wo yonde!!!(警察を呼んで!!!)

That's all for today's Japanese lesson.

Please utilize this article and have a safe and fun trip to Japan.

Please leave a comment if you have a phrase you want to know before visiting Japan.

I will add the requested phrases to this article.

If you have any questions, I am very happy to reply to you back if you leave any comments.

Cheers to you all!